Project #3


jack newsom
period 5
program Blackjack
date completed 10/27/15

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;

public class Blackjack
    public static void main( String[] args )
        Random r = new Random();
        Scanner bot = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("Welcome to Jack's blackjack program!");
        int playerSum = 0;
        int dealerSum  = 0;
        int playerTurn = 0;
        int dealerTurn = 0;
        int playerStay = 0;
        int dealerStay = 0;
        int stayTotal = 0;
        int player1 = 2 + r.nextInt(9);
        int player2 = 2 + r.nextInt(9);
        playerSum = player1 + player2;

        int dealer1 = 2 + r.nextInt(9);
        int dealer2 = 2 + r.nextInt(9);
        dealerSum = dealer1 + dealer2;

        System.out.println("You draw a " + player1 + " and a " + player2 + "." );
        System.out.println("Your total is " + playerSum + "." );

        System.out.println("The dealer draws a " + dealer1 + " and a card that is face down." );
        System.out.println("The dealer's total is unknown.");

        //this next line says while neither person's sum is less than 21, the player can continue to play
        while ( playerSum <= 21 && dealerSum <= 21 && stayTotal != 2 )
            while ( playerSum <= 21 && dealerSum <= 21 && playerTurn == 0 && stayTotal != 2 )
                playerStay = 0;
                System.out.println("Your turn!");
                System.out.println("Your total is " + playerSum + ".");
                System.out.print("Would you like to \"hit\" or \"stay\"?");
                String playerChoice =;

                boolean bPlayerChoice = playerChoice.equals("hit");

                if ( bPlayerChoice == true )
                // this is if the player hits
                    int playerNew = 2 + r.nextInt(9);
                    playerSum = playerSum + playerNew;

                    System.out.println("You drew a " + playerNew + ", bringing your total to " + playerSum + "." );

                // this is if the player stays
                    System.out.println("You decide to stay.");
                    playerStay = 1;
                playerTurn = 1;
                dealerTurn = 0;
            //dealer's turn
            while ( playerSum <= 21 && dealerSum <= 21 && dealerTurn == 0 && stayTotal != 2 )
                dealerStay = 0;
                System.out.println("Okay, dealer's turn.");

                if ( dealerSum <= 16 )
                    int dealerNew = 2 + r.nextInt(9);
                    dealerSum = dealerSum + dealerNew;
                    System.out.println("The dealer's hidden card was a " + dealer1 + ".");

                    System.out.println("The dealer drew a " + dealerNew + ", bringing his total to " + dealerSum + ".");
                    System.out.println("The dealer decides to stay.");   
                    dealerStay = 1;
                dealerTurn = 1;
                playerTurn = 0;
            //this is to test if both players stayed
            stayTotal = dealerStay + playerStay;
        //this section tests both totals to see who wins

        if ( playerSum >= 21 && dealerSum < 21 )
            if ( playerSum == 21 )
                System.out.println("You win! Congrats.");
            else if ( playerSum > 21 )
                System.out.println("Whoops. You bust.");
        else if ( playerSum < 21 && dealerSum >= 21 )
            if ( dealerSum == 21 )
                System.out.println("The dealer wins. Aww.");
            else if ( dealerSum > 21 )
                System.out.println("The dealer busts. Yay.");
        else if ( playerSum > 21 && dealerSum > 21 )
            System.out.println("You both bust. The dealer wins.");   
        else if ( playerSum < 21 && dealerSum < 21 )
            if ( playerSum > dealerSum )
                System.out.println("You win! Congrats.");
            else if ( playerSum <= dealerSum )
                System.out.println("The dealer wins. Aww.");


Picture of the output