Assignment #35


      ///Jack Newsom
      ///Period 5
      ///Program Name : ElseAndIf
      //date completed 9/21/15
      package ifStatements;
      public class ElseAndIf {
      	public static void main(String[] args) {
      		//ELSE IF statements only run when the statement before is false
      		//ELSE statements only run if the entire proceeding IF statement is false
      		//only one statement within an IF ELSE statement can run
      		//if the programmer was to remove the ELSE in an ELSE IF statement, the new statement would be independent of earlier IF and ELSE IF statements
      		int people = 30, cars = 40, buses = 15;
      		if ( cars > people)
      			System.out.println("We should take the cars.");
      		else if ( cars < people)
      			System.out.println("We shouldn't take the cars.");
      			System.out.println("We can't decide.");
      		if (buses>cars)
      			System.out.println("That's too many buses.");
      		else if ( buses < cars )
      			System.out.println("Maybe we could take the buses.");
      			System.out.println("We still can't decide.");
      		if ( people > buses )
      			System.out.println("All right, let's just take the buses.");
      			System.out.println("Fine, let's just stay home.");

Picture of the output

Assignment X